Holiday season was truly a wonderful time to enjoy and unwind, but it tested our cravings and appetite to the point that our weight had ballooned! Both Christmas and New Year offered us a gigantic feast of delicious meals together with our family. And nothing truly beats that feeling of being able to share the table with them to display appreciation and togetherness.

        Gained weight? Got a fat tummy now? Waistline gets even wider? Well, these aren't that new in the post-holiday season. Many are truly looking forward to juice out some sweat and regain their normal mass in preparation for another hectic but blessed 2023.

        Searching for some gym ideas around San Francisco to burn weight? You may check our list below:

Hit Fit SF

Staff of Hit Fit SF | Image courtesy: Yelp

        Hit Fit SF stands as probably the most well known fitness facility in San Francisco. By looking on the internet for some list of local gyms in the said area, HIT Fit gains high ratings and is praised with positive reviews.

        With situations getting such ease now as we are entering in the post-COVID-19 stage, HIT Fit SF is now thriving like their old days. But like most of the business establishments, they struggled drastically in debt and unsettled balances upon being affected by the early times of the pandemic. 

        Owner Simon Redmond and his gym crew performed a tremendous job in turning the tables around, as they are now coping up and making things normal again to help locals attain a desired and fitting lifestyle.

        For more information about their offers, click this to check their site.

Location: 2345 Harrison St, San Francisco, CA

Embarcadero YMCA

Fitness facility of Embarcadero YMCA | Image courtesy: YMCA SF

        Like the typical YMCAs around the United States, Embarcadero works with wonder to promote well-being most especially for the youth.

        As a charitable, nonprofit organization, Embarcadero also operates to serve people who are seeking to shed weight and attain a great body fitness. In addition, they have multiple programs addressing health issues like Diabetes and have been actively engaged in all ages besides the youth bracket.

        This YMCA branch in San Francisco has been in service since the 19th century. With that, it is safe to assume that their offerings are strictly for the greater benefit of the community towards achieving that aspiration of wellness.

        To know more about their platforms and membership for workout, check their site for more. 

Location: 169 Steuart St, San Francisco, CA

Alex Fitness SF


        Alex Fitness SF is also a notable option if you and your buddies are looking to become an extreme gym rat. 

        The said gym has prided itself as one of the best in the business, boasting affordable service prices, great workout equipment, flexible scheduling schemes, convenient location, highly skilled staff and comfortable ambiance.

Equipments of Alex Fitness SF | ClassPass

        Located at the heart of San Francisco, you can try their offers to cut that holiday weight and get even sexier.

        For their offers, click this for more.

Location: 2275 Market St Unit D, San Francisco, CA

Sunset Gym

Sunset Gym | Image courtesy: Sunset Gym

        Looking also for an underrated gym house? Sunset Gym is also qualified out there if you want to sweat things out.

        They have a simple, yet accessible training ground for fitness. Their equipment appears easy to use upon the assistance of their professional members within the gym.

        Sunset Gym is all about fitness, and they are heavily much focused on their clients' benefits. They will allow you to excel and be mindful regarding weight lifting, cardio and stretching – some key components for a healthy lifestyle.

        To know more about their offers and facilities, click this for more.

Location: 1247 9th Ave, San Francisco, CA



Written by Andrei de Guzman

Andrei de Guzman is a digital marketing intern for the Winter Season of PS Media Enterprise. He is currently a fourth-year Communication Research student from Polytechnic University of the Philippines Sta. Mesa

Andrei de Guzman

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