Would you like to share your expertise in journalism, web design, social media marketing, business development, media production, app development and software programming in times of lockdown?

Pinoy California is looking for work-at-home tech volunteers who are living in the Philippines who can assist Filipino-American business owners in California, USA to operate their store amid Coronavirus outbreak. This is a big opportunity to be productive in times of lock down while helping others on our own little ways.

All you need is a laptop computer and a stable internet connection. 

To apply, visit https://cloudworkers.ph

First come first served. We would like to limit the application to because are a small team. Please fill up the form as early as you could so that your name is on the top of our list.

We will get back to you though e-mail so make sure its VALID. (Check your spam folder as well)

Pinoy California

Pinoy California is a mobile app that locates nearby Asian stores and restaurants where you can order goods to be delivered right at your doorstep.

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