Passports are an essential document that one must not forget when traveling to different parts of the world. Do not expect to get anywhere near an airplane if you forgot yours at home. With all that being said, a person’s passport is really important.
However, not all passports have the same “power.” For this article, we will tackle all the things that we did to know regarding the passport issued by the Philippine government to its citizens: the Philippine Passport!
According to the 2022 Henly Passport Index (HPI) which was last updated on April 5, 2022, the Philippine passport currently sits at the 78th spot out of 111 in the Global Passport Ranking. The ranking is based on the number of destinations its holders can visit without having the need of a visa; that number for the Philippines is 66.
(Photo credits to GMA Network)
In last year’s rankings, the Philippine Passport was placed under its lowest ranking since 2006, placing 82nd out of 116. On the other hand, the highest ranking that Philippine Passport ever gained was in the consecutive years of 2007, 2008, and 2009, placing 62nd.
With a Philippine Passport, one can visit the following countries listed below (As of April 5, 2022). *visa on arrival | **eTA (Electronic Travel Authorization)
In the Oceania:
- Cook Islands
- Marshall Islands*
- Niue
- Papua New Guinea*
- Tuvalu*
- Fiji
- Micronesia
- Palau Islands*
- Samoa*
- Vanuatu
- Armenia*
- Iran*
- Israel
- Palestine
- Barbados
- Haiti
- St. Vincent and the Grenadines
- Dominica
- St. Lucia*
- Trinidad and Tobago*
- Brunei
- Hong Kong
- Kazakhstan
- Laos
- Malaysia
- Mongolia
- Nepal*
- Singapore
- Taiwan
- Thailand
- Vietnam
- Cambodia
- Indonesia
- Kyrgyzstan*
- Macao
- Maldives*
- Myanmar
- Pakistan**
- Sri Lanka**
- Tajikistan*
- Timor-Leste*
In the Americas:
Christian Lawrenze Empleo is currently a Digital Marketing Intern of PS Media Enterprise, and a 4th year Bachelor of Arts in Communication student of Colegio de San Juan de Letran Calamba.
- Bolivia
- Colombia
- Nicaragua*
- Suriname
- Brazil
- Costa Rica
- Peru
- Cape Verde Islands*
- Côte d’Ivoire
- Madagascar*
- Mauritania*
- Morocco
- Rwanda
- Seychelles
- Tanzania
- Togo
- Comoro Islands*
- Guinea-Bissau*
- Malawi*
- Mauritius*
- Mozambique*
- Senegal
- Somalia*
- The Gambia
- Uganda*
Written by Lawrenze Empleo
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