Concerts are one of the many things that are affected by the COVID-19. Now that everything is getting back to normal, live performances are up and coming. This year in California, there are about a hundred events and artist that will perform. Before attending these events, here are five important tips that you should keep in mind.
Plan and familiarize yourself about the concert
Before attending the concert and going out, it is important that you have a plan on how you will spend your day in the concert. Familiarize yourself with the venue (entrance and exits), bathrooms, food stalls. Have a rendezvous when you are meeting with someone. Search in the web if the organization that will handle the concert is complying with the health and safety protocols set by the government.
Get Vaxxed
Getting a vaccine is the most important rule of all. As of the writing, almost 74% of the total population of California is already fully vaccinated. Being vaccinated protects you from getting the deadly COVID-19 and also slims the chance of experiencing the severe effects of the virus. Additionally, it not only protects yourself, but also your family as well as the other people in the concert. After all, most concerts require vaccination proof for all the attendees.
Do not attend if you feel sick
Getting one, two or even three shots of vaccine does not guarantee that you will not acquire COVID-19. There is no vaccine as of today that give full resistance against the virus. The vaccines that we have now is just a protection not an immunity. We still need to be careful to not get the virus. There is this thing called being ‘asymptomatic’ meaning you may have the virus but have little or not experience symptoms of it at all. This pandemic really made us all anxious that even if we experienced just an occasional cold or cough we think that we already have COVID-19. That is why you need to spare yourself if you are not feeling well to avoid affecting others. There is always next time.
Bring your own sanitizer
Having yourself a sanitizer is like having an added a ‘Plan B’ of not contracting the COVID-19. Its like an extra protection against the virus. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommended using an alcohol-based hand sanitizer that contains at least 60 percent alcohol. The virus can stay in surfaces that’s why having a sanitizer is also a must.
Make a distance to avoid the ‘transmittance’
According to recent research, the virus mainly spreads between persons who are in close proximity to one another. When an infected person coughs, sneezes, speaks, sings, or breathes, the virus can spread from their mouth or nose in small liquid particles. The best rule of thumb is that we should distance ourselves from other people by arm’s length.
Concerts are fun, memorable and for some - a once in a lifetime experience. Let us enjoy it without risking our lives. For more content like this, visit Pinoy California's official website, Facebook, Twitter, and TikTok accounts.
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